Shirah Vollmer MD

The Musings of Dr. Vollmer

Archive for the ‘neuromodulation’ Category

Neural Networks

Posted by Dr. Vollmer on November 15, 2017

Image result for neural network

The chemical imbalance theory is out. Neural networks are in. That is what I learned yesterday. With the introduction of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a neuromodulation therapy for major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, there is now the theory that mood disorders, and anxiety disorders are a result of a neural network failure and as such, therapies which jolt neural networks help patients feel better. Further, by examining EEGs and looking at brain electrical activity, clinicians might be able to predict who can benefit from TMS therapy. As I understand from Noah Phillips MD, a professor at the VA affiliated with Brown University, we, as psychiatrists, are exploring the notion that patients get better by changing the electrical activity in the brain, a re-boot, so to speak. At the same time, TMS, although FDA approved (it should be now called Food, Drug, and Device Administration), TMS is costly, time-consuming and not paid for by insurance. It is done at tertiary medical centers and in private practice. As with the use of psychopharmacology,  I am of two-minds about this technology. On the one hand I am excited about the new way we understand mood and anxiety, and the expansion beyond neuro-chemicals into neural networks makes a lot of sense to me. The brain is a complicated machine, and like a machine, things can go wrong, and re-setting it is very exciting. On the other hand, this technology supports the loss of a narrative. Patient is sick. Patient gets fixed. Next Patient. The medical model of human suffering dominates the clinical picture, and the individuality of the patient is lost to the physician, leaving the narrative to “lower-level” professionals. Clearly both can operate in harmony. Doctors could administer TMS and do psychotherapy, except that the model of care does not support combining these modalities using the physician as the deep listener. I am grateful to be so close to UCLA so that I can be exposed to the latest and greatest in psychiatric health-care. At the same time, I will always have a sadness when I go to lectures, that there is such little interest in the human component of mental health care. To put it another way, as psychiatry focuses on the brain, it has lost its mind.

Posted in neuromodulation, Psychiatry in Transition | 8 Comments »

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Posted by Dr. Vollmer on April 15, 2015

TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation, is an FDA approved treatment for Major Depression, but insurance does not pay, and fees are in the 5 digits. As the rate in which new psychotropics appears diminishes, the rate of neuromodulation treatment increases, in a similar way that technology is on such a rapid rate of change, that treating psychiatric diseases with drugs could become a “so yesterday” phenomena. Of course, this could be another tool in the box, an additive treatment, rather than a substitute, but my fear continues to be that newly minted psychiatrists will trust devices more than they trust their ability to use their words, their feelings, and their imagination to help people. Is this large sum of money better spent on intensive psychotherapy? I wonder. Psychotherapy takes longer, a lot longer, and hence one could argue that this is a “quick fix” in that it is usually administered over a period of one month, instead of many years. Like with the promise of the SSRIs, the hope is that we will find some external treatment to fix the complexities of mood and motivation. My bet, as my readers could predict, is that TMS may significantly help a lot of people, but it will very rarely be a substitute for a deeply analytic experience of understanding oneself. Most people restrict themselves from having a richer experience in life, usually due to unconscious forces which lie deep in the psyche. TMS may provide temporary relief to the human suffering of misery, but it will not substitute for the long road of building self-esteem and self-empowerment. There, I have said it again.

See also…

Posted in neuromodulation | 8 Comments »